For those who work with family or run a family business you will know work life stays with you 24/7 and is the topic of conversation at most family meals!
A local shop works differently to your usual supermarket rota, your name is on every shift. So here's a guide to the typical day of your local shop:
01:00 - 1am Alarm - Early bird catches the worm
02:00 - Arrival at parkway wholesalers market, time to see what has arrived and fill the van with goodies
04:00 - Leave the market with a van full and trying to forget about how much we've just spent!
04:30 - Shop doors open, set the front and start to unload the van onto our shelves, can it get any fresher?!
06:00 - Shop glowing with fresh produce, time to make up orders that are due to be delivered
07:00 - Shop open for walk in customers, looking forward to seeing you all again
15:00 - Shop closed, stock count and work out what we need for tomorrow
16:00 - Drop off a few deliveries on the way home
18:00 - Back home and ready for tea
It's a long day and we'd be lying if falling asleep in our Lasagna wasn't a regular occurrence. But these long hours and hard work is why we can maintain such a high standard of produce and it seems to have done the trick for the last 100 years. We may have to take a few days off from time to time but I hope the typical day at work warrants a good rest!
As most of you may know, Spencer Sharp is the man at the front of the shop and the face of Sharps, he's the main one tackling this routine on a daily basis. If he seems, 'not with it' on a couple of days, just wind him up like an old car and he'll get going again. We also have Caroline Sharp (wife), she's the happier one of the two and the lady always smiling. With Jonathan and Emma (children) also helping before hours and on weekends. Please feel free to come and say hello, we love knowing our customers on first name terms.
We could go on about the history of the shop, however I think we'll leave that for another time! We hope this has answered a few questions of where your fresh produce comes from and what happens when the doors are closed. Keep posted for the Sharp Family tree and a day in the life of a Pink Lady.
See you in the shop again soon